Friday, June 26, 2009

We're NOT going back east next week to see our families.
The corporate headquarters of the school I work for is not paying me my overlap checks until mid-July: a week after we planned to leave. Those overlap checks were to pay me for the old teacher contract I had which overlapped the pay period of my new IC contract.
Those overlap checks were our vacation money.
Which won't come until after vacation.
I really wanted to see VPJWS.
I really wanted to see Eli who's not even born yet but will have been which is why we planned our trip for July.
I just miss my family.


Mari said...

I am so sorry you won't be able to go home...I know how it is to miss family.

Trail Rated said...

Miss you too. Wish we had money, but, well I am a pastor

Anonymous said...

Miss you, too. we were all looking forward to seeing you both.

Dana Baker said...

Sorry you didn't get to go home. :(